Lately, my one-on-one sessions have evolved into something I never could have imagined.
I still guide you through breathwork, but now, we go even further. Once you’re fully present, I take you through a visualization process where we talk out loud while you’re focusing on what you see. Essentially, your personality steps back, and different parts of you, like your inner child, begin to emerge and speak through you. Sometimes, my client’s voice changes. Even they way they emote can totally shift.
Nowadays, it’s a regular occurrence that my client’s partner, family, and friends appear to help process trauma or provide guidance. And more often than not, loved ones who have passed on make their presence known as well.
And to be clear, this is not possession. No one is taken over. You are fully conscious, fully in control—simply allowing space for what needs to come through. It is always peaceful. It is always safe. And it is always real- there is no acting here.
I imagine this is possible because, as you go deeper with the breathwork, you enter a state that I can only describe as psychedelic.
This has always been profound work, but something new has been happening. It’s no longer just inner parts or even passed loved ones showing up. Future children have started to come through.
During a session with a longtime client, she suddenly began speaking in the voice of a young child. I assumed it was her inner child, but when I asked, the voice responded—No, I’m her son.
Her son?
My heart jumped. But she didn’t have a son. I felt the truth of it, but it made no sense. She wasn’t even thinking about having more children.
But for the next 15-20 minutes, this spirit pleaded to be born. He told us how much he wanted to join her family, to come into this world. He cried. He begged for the chance.
I sat in absolute shock, but I knew my job was to hold space. To let it unfold. And we both left the session knowing—without a doubt—that what we had just witnessed was real.
And I kid you not—less than a year later, my client, who hadn’t even been sure she could get pregnant again, gave birth to her first son. She was stunned. But we both knew he had already made himself known to us.
I have watched people face their deepest fears with an almost supernatural courage. I’ve witnessed lifelong patterns break in a single session—people leaving toxic relationships, kicking alcohol, finally healing something that’s been haunting them for years.
And this week, when another future child came through, I sat there thinking: I can’t believe I get to do this. I can’t believe people pay me for this. What a dream.
I get to witness miracles. Things science hasn’t even begun to explain.
I know words can never fully describe the reality-shattering things that happen in these sessions, but this email is my attempt to give you a glimpse.
People are saving their marriages, breaking free from addiction, and reconnecting with loved ones they lost years ago.
And I think that’s why so many people return—to my retreats, my trainings, and my private sessions. Because you don’t need to do this alone.
If there’s something in your life that you’re ready to change, something that’s been nagging at you for years—come see me for a 1:1 session or join me in Mexico this April.
This is life-changing work. And I want as many people as possible to experience it.