By Millana Snow

Closure is an Inside Job

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra October 2nd, and Full Moon in Aries October 17th.

As we step into October, with just three months left in 2024, it’s time to talk about a powerful concept that can transform your life: closure. This month, we’re exploring how closing doors on what no longer serves us can create space for exciting new beginnings.

Understanding True Closure

Closure isn’t just about endings; it’s about empowerment and growth. As my teacher, Dr. Clara, wisely says, “You can’t have the future if your past is still present.”

Closure: An Inside Job

Here’s a liberating truth: real closure happens inside of you. While it’s nice to feel closure with others, it isn’t always possible or necessary. True closure begins when you:

  1. Acknowledge that something remains incomplete
  2. Forgive yourself and others for what remains unresolved
  3. Accept the teachings that came with the situation without needing to change them or the situation itself

The Power of Internal Closure: A Real-Life Example

Imagine you have a colleague who suddenly becomes distant. This situation might reinforce a belief that you don’t belong, making you reluctant to take up space in work settings. But what if you seek closure within yourself?

You might realize this dynamic echoes experiences from your childhood. The belief that you don’t belong isn’t new – it’s an old wound ready to be healed. By recognizing this, you can:

  • Work on asserting that you belong and that it’s safe to take up space
  • Spend time with your inner child, liberating yourself from past heaviness
  • Practice having fun despite others’ seriousness

After a few weeks of this internal work, you’ll likely find that you feel a stronger sense of belonging, and your colleagues will mirror this back to you. The key? You didn’t wait for external closure. You made the situation your medicine rather than a source of toxicity.

Practical Steps to Embrace Closure

  1. Reflect on Your Past: What aspects of your past – relationships, habits, or beliefs – are still lingering in your present?
  2. Identify Incomplete Connections: What connections, big or small, feel unresolved?
  3. Examine Your Relationships: How have your relationships evolved, especially with family and close friends? Is it time to adjust boundaries or expectations?
  4. Assess Energy Exchange: Where do you feel imbalanced in your relationships? Are you giving more than you receive, or vice versa?
  5. Connect with Your Inner Child: What childhood dynamics continue to influence your relationships today?
  6. Envision Your Future Self: What new beliefs or ways of being do you want to cultivate as you step into this new chapter of your life?

The Transformative Power of Closure

Remember, closure is empowering because it requires no action from others. It’s an inner journey of facing yourself with love and non-judgment. By tying off your own loose ends, you’re not waiting for someone else to do you right. Instead, you’re giving yourself what you’ve been waiting for, raising your standards for what you give and accept in the process.

This month, I challenge you to reflect on what you’re ready to bring closure to. Do the inner work that only you can do. Watch how you show up differently and how the world reflects that back to you.

Stay committed, authentic, and responsible for your choices. The changes you make inwardly will transform your entire life.

3 Juicy Journal Prompts:

1. What parts of your past—whether in relationships, habits, or beliefs—still linger in your present?Reflect on how these elements are holding you back from stepping fully into your new stage of life.

2. Where in your life do you feel a lack of closure?
Consider relationships, work, or personal situations where you feel something remains unresolved. How can you take steps to find internal closure?

3. What habits or routines are no longer aligned with who you are becoming?
List the ways of being that no longer serve your growth and identify what needs to be released.

This month, there are two ways for you to integrate this October’s breakthrough!

For 4 more journaling prompts and an exclusive playlist in the journaling session, join my membership The Monthly Integration (TMI) for a live journaling session to dig deeper to breakthrough.

Or, to dive deeper into your inner child healing, sign up for my Inner Child Workshop here.