By Millana Snow

Speak Your Dreams into Existence

This August Breakthrough is all about your words.

Your words are not just words; they are the sparks that ignite the fire of your future. Like
a match ignites a stack of hay, your words can set your dreams ablaze. Activate your
calling by speaking about that big job you’re booking and embody the person who
already has it. Start planning the furniture or the interior designer for the home you’re
moving into, even if you haven’t found it yet or don’t have all the money together. It’s
By talking about these things as if they are already real, you reengage your
interest and attraction to these visions.

If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, August is the last full month of summer 2024. Use
the fire of the sun to power you and propel you to new heights. This is the height of Leo
season, a time to be seen, known, and out and about. Relish in the energy by taking
bold actions from the place of your new identity. Everything big and life-changing in your
life happens at the intersection of preparation and happenstance. Prepare yourself for
fate. Prepare for things you couldn’t imagine but can only envision with a quiet vision in
your heart. Your preparation isn’t just a step; it’s the bridge to your destiny.

Fall in love with your life! Reengage what makes you passionate and lit up! Your life
should excite you and make you eager to wake up every morning! This is the season to
reignite that passion. Embrace your potential, be confident in your abilities, and take
bold steps toward your dreams. You are not speaking your future into existence;
you are speaking from it. The version of you that has already achieved greatness is
reaching back through time, guiding your present self.

Many of us have been nurturing a new life for the past 6-9 months, and now, you are
about to birth this new existence. Speaking about this new way of living before it fully
materializes is how you prepare. Before you go out, make sure you’re ready to meet the
world with the right mindset and presentation. You never know who you might meet—a
new ally, investor, or supporter! So treat yourself like an elite athlete—well-rested, clear-
minded, cheerful, and magnetic. Never underestimate what’s possible when you open
your eyes and leave the house.

Don’t chase; attract. You are what you envisioned in your mind’s eye. Speak, dress,
and move from that place. You are already that person. You’re not faking it till you make
it; you’re recognizing the greatness inside you and letting it shine! Your words, actions,
and energy are creating your reality right now. So, make it amazing! This is your time,
your season, your life. Speak it, believe it, live it.

Whatever your passion—writing, pottery, coding, underwater basket weaving—throw
your whole self into it! Let everything you create be a pure expression of joy, love, and
who you are right now. These aren’t just projects; they’re pieces of your soul taking form
in the world. Start talking about your new reality as if it’s already here. Are you an actor?
Speak about that lead role you just landed as if you’re coming home from the set. A
writer? Chat about your book deal with your dream publisher like you just got off the
phone with them. A student? Rave about how much you love your new professors and
those killer grades you’re getting. Become the one you see in your mind’s eye; that is
who you already are, so act like it!

5 Main Highlights

  1. Speak Your Dreams into Existence: Use your words to ignite the fire of your
  2. Embrace the Energy of Leo Season: Take bold actions from the place of your
    new identity.
  3. Prepare for Your Destiny: Preparation bridges the gap between your present
    and your future greatness.
  4. Reengage with Passion: Make your life excite you, and confidently embrace
    what really lights you up.
  5. Live from Your Future Self: Act as the person you’ve always dreamed of being,
    attracting opportunities rather than chasing them.

7 Journal Prompts for Integration and Reflection

  1. What dreams and visions do I want to speak into existence? How can I use
    my words to ignite these dreams?
  2. How can I use the energy of Leo Season to take bold actions? What specific steps can I take from my new identity?
  3. What areas of life need more preparation for the future I desire? How can I start preparing now?

For more journaling prompts, join my membership The Monthly Integration (TMI) for a live journaling session to dig deeper to breakthrough.